Thursday, 11 April 2019

Ahmed Bobboi: the Man who changed the Face of PEF

‘’The mark of a great man is one who knows when to set aside the important things in order to accomplish the vital ones.’’ -- Brandon Sanderson

By Ahmed Ali

Among the first positive things Ahmed Bobboi did when he took over the mantle of leadership at the Petroleum Equalization Fund (PEF) was to introduce a staff posting and deployment policy, the first of its kind in the history of PEF. It was a sign that the Petroleum Equalization Fund was into a new dawn.
Not many people, even among the staff envisioned the remarkable positive change that was to take over the running of affairs of this important government agency when President Muhammadu Buhari appointed Ahmed Bobboi as the Executive Secretary of Petroleum Equalization Fund (Management) Board in October 2016.
Although many who worked with him or have came in contact with the unassuming public servant described him as a man full with ideas and very passionate in doing his job. Ahmed Bobboi no doubt has etched his name in golden ink in the history of Nigerian petroleum management within the short time he took over an organization set up in the 1970’s to ensure uniform pricing regime of petroleum products across the country and its distribution.
 Most critics would agreed that the Bobboi led management effectively checkmated the hitherto scarcity of petroleum products and also efficiently ensured that the products get across the country as of when due. One glaring fact was that the Ahmed Bobboi led management stepped into the murky water of Nigerian oil and gas sector and made a tremendous impact in an agency that was facing a myriad of challenges. It is therefore logical to commend him going by the unprecedented achievements he has made just within one year in office. Among some of his achievements is the patriotic zeal at which he has been able to breakdown nepotism and favoritism the two degrading factors that had previously held down the wheels of the agency which has now been stabilized with his collective policy direction. The current giant stride being experienced today since the past four decades when PEF was established is as a result of this new visionary and nationalist approach by the Bobbi led management.
His unique staff posing and deployment policy has refocused PEF in as much that the staff now works in harmony as team players with refocused energies and a mindset blended with patriotic and nationalist focus.  The workforce is now more vibrant and skillful as they are constantly transferred to various departments in the agency to build up their skill and capacity.
It is also commendable to note how the Ahmed Bobboi led team have effectively improved and deployed Information Technology ( IT)  in the daily operations of PEF and the remarkable achievement recorded so far. Top on the list is the automation of the 130 locations of PEF operations at various depots and tank farms to deliver services at the best minimum cost.
Again, the fund synergy with various stakeholders and other government agency like the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) is yielding fruitful results. Commendable is the innovative idea to develop software that will make it possible for PEF to ascertain the quantity of products available in ships, tank farms, depots, trucks, pipelines and outlets. Also worth mentioning is the idea by his management to implement transportation of petroleum products across the country through the rail, and already a task force is already in the peak of working out the logistic for a smooth take-off targeted at early 2019. It is reported that Ahmed Bobboi who is vigorously driving the process has given the task force all the necessary support and order to ensure that the take-off deadline was met.
 The current operations by PEF with its efficient IT arrangement have made payment easier to marketers and more credible. Payments and allowance are now being remitted regularly.    It is equally important to mention and commend his focus on staff development and training which are two important elements Ahmed Bobboi has so far deployed in his managerial proficiency. He has used these important factors to uplift the staff confidence and also brought out the best in them which in turn resulted in the current stable distribution and deployment of petroleum products being experienced by Nigerians across the country.
No doubt that the President Muhammadu  Buhari led administration rightly placed the right peck in the right hole when it appointed Ahmed Bobboi  to steer the ship of this cumbersome agency and so far the administration’s change agenda, including Nigerians are benefitting tremendously from his effective managerial skills and vision as he boldly steers the country petroleum fund towards prosperity.
Copyright SEE Magazine 2019